Mesa de Discussão sobre Circular Economy reunirá dicentes da UFABC e da Penn State University
Será realizada, no dia 22 de Março, a mesa de discussão com a temática World in View: Challenges of the Circular Economy and Its Implementation from a Global Perspective entre a Penn State University (USA) e a UFABC. O formato é uma discussão em inglês sobre temas globais entre os estudantes de ambas as universidades, com o objetivo de confrontar e complementar as visões sobre o tema. O evento será em inglês para estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação das áreas de ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática, e ocorrerá das 13:00 as 14:30. É indicada a leitura prévia das seguintes referências:
- Greater Incorporation of the Circular Economy Will Enable the Region to Move Towards a More Sustainable, Inclusive and Low-Carbon Development Pattern: Alicia Bárcena
- Circular Economy and Material Value Chains
Sobre o tema:
A economia circular é um sistema econômico que visa combater os hábitos de “produzir-usar-descartar” que impulsionaram a indústria e o consumo nas últimas décadas. Ao diminuir a entrada de novos recursos e melhorar a reutilização e a reciclagem, a economia circular também ajuda a reduzir os impactos ambientais. Dadas as características dos processos industriais e da cadeia de suprimentos em países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento, os desafios para a implementação desse sistema econômico são diversos. Nesta discussão, falaremos sobre a economia circular em diferentes áreas de estudo e em diferentes níveis. Debateremos as diferenças e desafios em sua implementação em países desenvolvidos versus países em desenvolvimento. Também discutiremos como as colaborações internacionais podem facilitar a integração da cadeia de suprimentos global. Por fim, consideraremos as maneiras pelas quais cada país pode contribuir para a implementação da economia circular, considerando seus papéis globais.
English version
The circular economy is an economic system that aims at tackling the “produce-use-dispose” habits that have driven industry and consumption during past decades. By decreasing the input of new resources, and improving reuse and recycling, the circular economy also helps reduce environmental impacts. Given the characteristics of the industrial processes and the supply chain in developed and developing countries, there are different challenges when attempting to implement this economic system. In this discussion, we will talk about the circular economy in different fields of study and at different levels. We will debate the differences and challenges in its implementation in developed vs developing countries. We will also discuss how international collaborations can facilitate the integration of the global supply chain. Finally, we will consider the ways in which each country can contribute to implementing the circular economy, given their global roles.
Corpo Docente:
Tamy Guimarães, assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering at Penn State, is originally from Brazil, got her Ph.D. at Virginia Tech and was a postdoctoral researcher at the Bundeswehr University Munich, in Germany. Her research is focused on instrumentation and sensors for aerodynamics and fluid mechanics applications.
Gerson L. Mantovani is an associate professor at UFABC, Santo André, Brazil. His research interests focus on the structure-property correlations of materials, materials science multidisciplinary, especially polymer blends, polymer processing, polymer composites, polymer nanocomposites, and science and engineering education.
Anibal Mendes is an assistant professor at UFABC. Previously, he was a Research Fellow at Monash University and IFM - Deakin University in Australia. He holds a Ph.D. and MSc in Materials Science and Engineering from the Federal University of Sao Carlos - UFSCar. His research aims at improving the properties of metallic materials by new nanostructuring techniques, opening paths towards making materials more functional for a variety of purposes. These techniques can also be used to foster the circular economy in metallic materials. His searches for enhancements extend from pure metals to alloys and to new hybrids that incorporate often dissimilar materials, such as metals and polymers.
Mathilde Champeau is an assistant professor at UFABC. She studied Materials Engineering in France and carried out a Ph.D. in co-tutelle between the University of Bordeaux (France) and the University of Liège (Belgium). Her research focuses on polymers for medical applications: drug-releasing systems, use of supercritical fluids for greener processes, and 3D printed hydrogels for tissue engineering.
As inscrições podem ser realizadas em
Serão disponibilizadas aproximadamente 20 vagas, preferencialmente para candidatos das áreas de ciência, tecnologia, engenharia e matemática, com motivação aderente à proposta do curso.
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